RE: [MV] The newest scam

From: Nigel Hay -MILWEB (
Date: Sun Dec 05 2004 - 06:23:06 PST

Its been around for a while, they have targetted our classified advertisers
We have carried a wanring on the site for about a year now.

We have spent time wasting their time with correspondance from some of our
imaginary friends as Hugh Janus and our old favourite S.Camberger

I alwaty report them to their ISP with "419 Fraud" in the subject line

Generally as crimminals go they are not too bright, as one wanted to arrange
shipping for "D Day Accomadation in Normandy" I told him I had 3 available
all in good condition and running......

-----Original Message-----
From: Military Vehicles Mailing List []On
Behalf Of
Sent: 05 December 2004 13:08
To: Military Vehicles Mailing List
Subject: [MV] The newest scam

Well, listers, I have to hand it to the Nigerians, those funhogs have
invented another new scam. Selling MV stuff on Ebay, I think we know better,
but be careful about questions from people with feedback=0, with country
code 234 who want you to prepay shipping. I'm sure these scams originate
from other countries, but all mine came from 234. The trigger value appears
to be $1000. I had put that in on a $15 item as a joke in "BUY IT NOW" and
these morons are pelting me with offers.

Be careful out there / Kerry

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