Re: [MV] Importing a vehicle for off road use.

From: Stephen Grammont (
Date: Sun Feb 06 2005 - 17:03:17 PST

Hi Sonny,

> If I were to buy a two stroke Trabant, for example, and the year is
> lets say
> a 1970, that somehow got over here to be placed in a museum but never
> registered to be on the road in this country, could I register it and
> operate it on the public roadway?

As long as it met the minimum standards for road use set by the Feds
and your State, I would think the answer is yes unless there was some
fine print in the import papers.

I know one MULE guy had several MULES registered for street travel in
Arizona (IIRC) back in the mid 1990s. I'm going to guess that the
explosion of ATVs since then has ruined chances of that happening. But
then again, the only way to find out is to check he regs! When I got
my Pinzgauer all I had to do was flip around he rear tail lights 180
degrees so the amber and red were in the opposite places. Other than
that, I was all set. All the other basics, such as headlights, review
mirrors, and probably a lot of other niggly detials were stock stuff so
I was OK.


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