Re: [MV] Solvent question

From: Ron (
Date: Mon Feb 07 2005 - 06:04:05 PST

Yassah, Mr. Young, it sho nuff be stills available in one gallons tins at
the Home Despot stores in the paints department. The also have a real good
selection of MEK, Methylene Chloride, Acetone and other nasty, efficient
solvents. Another good source is Ace Hardware Stores, good selection, though
usually only available in quart cans. Dot 3 is also an efficient degreaser
and paint stripper with little of the flash point problems that the other
solvents present. The 'nasty' style oven cleaner also works well, but can
eat certain metals.
    Most larger automotive supply stores also carry a one gallon paint can
of Carburetor cleaner that comes with a parts basket inside for small parts.
Beats fishing around with your fingers for those errant parts.
    You'll find the Stoddard Solvent to be one of the gentlest cleaners,
taking a while and requiring scrubbing and rinsing. The carb cleaner is
almost instantaneous, but will take off the paint in an eye blink also.
Ditto the MEK and Meth Chlor.
    Usual safety precautions, yada, yada, you're a big boy or wouldn't be
playing with, as Dr. Deuce would call them, "Manly Toys".


----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: 07 February, 2005 07:32
Subject: Re: [MV] Solvent question

> When I was in the petroleum business, I sold and
> used stoddard solvent (mineral spirits). It was
> packaged in 5-gallon pails and 55-gallon drums.
> If it hasn't been outlawed, it should be fairly
> easy to obtain.

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