Re: [MV] EBAY Scumbag

From: Fred Martin (
Date: Tue Feb 08 2005 - 08:15:04 PST

Heres something interesting...the zip code 23401 is also the first
five digits of the phone number. Otherwise...the site looks more legit
than just the standard old email that says you can make a few quick
millions,,,but don't tell anyone.Howsomeever,the website mentions
nothing at all about the products of the business. That looks fishy!
Fred Martin wrote:

>Got this e-mail today from someone who saw an ad I had on ebay for some engine parts..
>Does this scam sound familiar?
> I'm Mrs.Alex Ana,i'm mailing you now onthe behalf of our company **Allas International Store**,to infrom you that we want to pruchase some of you product to my store here in west African, Co's i was infrom that doe's item's are needed by some of our customer's.
> We will be gradalot if you can e-mail us back and let know if you can sell to us and ship to us via DHL / UPS /fedEx service or air-cargo.
>Also kindly advise if you hasve the following item's in store for sales
>2.Detroit diesel engine parts
>4. Cat
> Hope this is okay with you? If so kindly get back to use on this e-mail address:
>Mrs Alex (
>Mr Steve (
> We look up to your reply regarding our requst.
>Thanks God Bless you
>General Manager
>Allas International Store
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