Re: [MV] Military Radio's

From: Vadim Kogan (vadim@XCF.Berkeley.EDU)
Date: Thu Mar 17 2005 - 19:26:50 PST

On Thu, Mar 17, 2005 at 09:59:21PM -0500, Mike Maynard wrote:
> What frequency range do the military radios run? I use VHF high band for
> the vollie ambulance that I ride with (155mhz) and would like to be able to
> use military antennas and possibly even a radio if possible.

Even though there are some freuencies used by the military near 155 MHz (I
think some in 150 and some in 160 area), I doubt commonly-available
surplus radios/antennas would go there.

OTOH, if you make it work, I'd definitely be interested to hear about it.
I'm currently gearing up to try to figure out what it'd take to use an
AS-1729 on CB (I'm mostly intererested in how to modify the antenna to
reduce SWR, rather than just assuming that I have to match using
electronics). However, I'm a beginner and there isn't all that much
technical info available on the beast... I don't even know (yet?) what exact
elements were used in MX-6707 for 30-33MHz range. I think I'll have to
find/build a grid dip oscillator as a starter point (and I suspect you'd
have to do the same, no matter which antenna you pick). However, if you're
in the rural area, you might be able to go to some good CB/HAM shop. I have
no idea where to find one in the Bay Area :-(


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