Re: [MV] Military Radio's

From: Buzz (
Date: Thu Mar 17 2005 - 22:03:20 PST

Some one on the armyradios reflector asked about tweaking a MX-6707 for 11Meters
(CB band). I think that he said to tweak the capacitor on the lowest band in
the unit until the SWR came down as low as it'd go. If I remember right he said
that it wasn't perfect but good enough to work.

If you're gonna fool with antennas don't even think about a dip meter it'll take
ya forever.... Go directly to MFJ web page and look at a antenna analyzer.
Next go to Epay and see if you can find a used one,

Years ago there used to be "Ham Radio Outlet" in Burlingame, but they're
probably gone by now.

For the VHF high band I use either a Larsen 5/8 wave vertical whip or I home
brew a 1/2 wave ground plane by gutting a MX-6707.


On Thu, 17 Mar 2005 19:26:50 -0800, you wrote:
>On Thu, Mar 17, 2005 at 09:59:21PM -0500, Mike Maynard wrote:
>> What frequency range do the military radios run? I use VHF high band for
>> the vollie ambulance that I ride with (155mhz) and would like to be able to
>> use military antennas and possibly even a radio if possible.
>Even though there are some freuencies used by the military near 155 MHz (I
>think some in 150 and some in 160 area), I doubt commonly-available
>surplus radios/antennas would go there.
>OTOH, if you make it work, I'd definitely be interested to hear about it.
>I'm currently gearing up to try to figure out what it'd take to use an
>AS-1729 on CB (I'm mostly intererested in how to modify the antenna to
>reduce SWR, rather than just assuming that I have to match using
>electronics). However, I'm a beginner and there isn't all that much
>technical info available on the beast... I don't even know (yet?) what exact
>elements were used in MX-6707 for 30-33MHz range. I think I'll have to
>find/build a grid dip oscillator as a starter point (and I suspect you'd
>have to do the same, no matter which antenna you pick). However, if you're
>in the rural area, you might be able to go to some good CB/HAM shop. I have
>no idea where to find one in the Bay Area :-(
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