Re: [MV] Pending problematic Tennessee legislation

From: JTravis (
Date: Sat Mar 19 2005 - 19:35:14 PST


Notice the part that reads "Creates a Class A misdemeanor for altering
in any way a site or object determined to be a military heritage site or
object without the written approval of the commission and a Class D
felony for a second or subsequent offense." The key words there are "or
OBJECT", which is open to the interpretation of the committee. It's one
of those things that might have the best of intentions, but once in
place it could easily be used to regulate MVs off the road. How would
you like to have to file a formal request to a public committee for
their permission to change your oil, or to paint your duece?


Sonny Heath wrote:

>Could you please provide more info about them trying to outlaw military
>vehicles? What you sent here shows me nothing about them.
>>SB 1053
>>HB 0534*
>>GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION: Tennessee Military Heritage Act of 2005.
>>Establishes the responsibilities and composition of the Tennessee
>>Military Heritage Commission. Creates a Class A misdemeanor for altering
>>in any way a site or object determined to be a military heritage site or
>>object without the written approval of the commission and a Class D
>>felony for a second or subsequent offense. (S: Ketron; H: Roach)
>>Fiscal Note: Increase state expenditures - $7,200 one-time, $89,200
>>recurring, $2,100/Incarceration. Increase local govt. expenditures - not
>>significant Increase local govt. revenues - not significant.
>>Senate Status: Set for Senate Government Operations 03/23/2005.
>>House Status: Referred to House Government Operations.

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