Re: [MV] Information Pleeeze OT

From: J. Forster (
Date: Tue Apr 19 2005 - 18:06:25 PDT

Not really. It depends on whether the group is open or closed. If it's closed,
only members can read the archive and spammers cannot harvest your email address
by reading the posts. Spammers can join the group and harvest email addresses,
but only if you post messages. BTW, this group has a public archive and Google
DOES search it.

Yahoo does occasionally send out ads, but you can avoid that by simply having no
interests or hobbies when you sign up for a Yahoo ID, necessary to join a group.


Larry Tighe wrote:

> Howdy Peoples,
> I wanna get on a list and it sez I have to join Yahoo something in order to
> participate. It requires me to fill out a long questionaire....I don't like
> that very much!
> If you sign up for a Yahoo list membership, does that expose you to junk
> mail and who knows what?
> Any input is appreciated,
> Larry

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