M38A1 info

From: aussierob (aussierob2@odyssey.net)
Date: Thu May 19 2005 - 04:28:36 PDT

Hello Chris:
Aussie Robb here... in Syracuse area of NY

I am more of a lurker here on this site. However, reading your posts I have
no idea as to "keying" and what happened to you jeep.
However, there are Two fantastic sites that deal exclusively with Jeeps One
is more Willys PUs & Wagons etc., while the other breaks down to sub pages
for all different jeep models.
Q 1]
Where are you located.
Q 2]
Go to www.g503.com
You wont be sorry visiting these sites both are well set up.

Q 3]
Are you a member of the Mil Veh Preservation Assoc. ? (or local chapter)
For an enormous group of guys to socialize and become a great avenue for
cheap parts locally, look up the main headquarters of MVPA on your browser
then go to search for your local chapters. My groups is 60 miles away. I
attend most every meeting whereby we end up at a different member house and
get to see and experience other people stuff & hobby. You may have to
travel but I get most of my rare finds thorough the local chapter.
I think there should be a group with in an hour or so, possibly in your

Best e'gards,
Rob Pearson aussierob2@odyssey.net
at the Sheep Dip Cafe' & Jeep Ewe'porium
Little York, NY

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