Re: [MV] Honour and respect for HMV's 2

From: Convoy Magazine (
Date: Fri May 20 2005 - 15:35:04 PDT

HMV is a term I first heard used by Colin Macgregor
Stevens in Canada..

Dont' know if he was first, but I started using it
follwoing his example.and that was years ago..
cept we call them "heritage MV's" which I think is an
even a more dignified name than historic but as Steve
says...adding such designations give them a bit more
importance than mere "antique"

and yes its a worry outside the USA! and so should we
all be wary!!!

As I have said much earlier, and which Steve mentions
here as well, there is an ever increasing threat to
nasty "military" vehicles, which do not even have
anti-pollution controls!!!!!!


--- Nigel Hay MILWEB <> wrote:

> I dont think thats a real worry outside the USA to
> be honest.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steve & Jeannie Keith
> []
> Sent: 20 May 2005 18:51
> To: Military Vehicles Mailing List; Nigel Hay MILWEB
> Subject: Re: [MV] Honor and respect for historic
> vehicles
> Importance: High
> HMV is a term I coined and got the MVPA to start
> using among others.
> It has nothing to do with the age. It has EVERYTHING
> to do with people
> and forces that would take away our right to own
> and/or use them.
> By associating History with these vehicles you put
> the people who would
> want to destroy/confiscate etc them into the
> category of people who do not
> learn from history or better yet, Book Burners!
> Mark my words: The day will come when there will be
> tremendous pressure
> to eliminate these war glorifying, polluting, danger
> to everyone on the
> highway
> menaces from the road or even possession

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