Re: [MV] HEAT TO GO: New Hot Beverage Bag for Soldiers

From: Don Low (
Date: Sun May 29 2005 - 20:21:51 PDT

Hey, great, ! that will work , and I have purchased from those guys before,

From: "Wayne Harris" <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Subject: Re: [MV] HEAT TO GO: New Hot Beverage Bag for Soldiers
Date: Sun, 29 May 2005 21:31:19 -0400

OK Now I understand a little better, Like they say a picture is worth a
thousand swords or something like that. If you don't find a military source
for your water bags try this link
according to the ad they can be heated or frozen. Wayne

>From: "Don Low" <>
>Subject: Re: [MV] HEAT TO GO: New Hot Beverage Bag for Soldiers
>Date: Sun, 29 May 2005 18:04:08 -0500
>Similar However the BAG , is the MRE heater , (SOFT OD bag the has a
>heating element in it)
>It can heat 4 MRE entrée in it, or heat water in backs the are about the
>same size as a MRE main meal
>Kind of a heating pad on steroids that zigs and zags inside the bag to make
>4 compartments to heat stuff in , MRE main entrée or bag of water, (I
>guess they are like a zip lock with water in it,)
>But I have not been able to find the info on them the bag that holds water
>, not stats.
>I don't want a plastic mess in my mew heater bag ;-)
>From: "Wayne Harris" <>
>Subject: Re: [MV] HEAT TO GO: New Hot Beverage Bag for Soldiers
>Date: Sun, 29 May 2005 17:58:23 -0400
>Your original post sounded like you were looking for info on the Hot
>Beverage Bag but now you say you want a bag for your vehicle MRE heater??
>Is this anything close?
>Mounted Water Ration Heater (MWRH): This device is used to heat water,
>which can then be used for hot drinks, to heat pouched or canned rations,
>or to provide hot water for hygiene purposes. It can heat 3.75 liters of
>water to boiling in 20 minutes. The basin is large enough to hold up to 5
>MRE entrees at once. There is a spigot on the front of the device to
>dispense water for beverages or hygiene purposes. The device can be set to
>heat and keep water heated to any temperature up to boiling. This device is
>designed to be installed in a vehicle, and runs off vehicle power. They
>were increasingly common on NATO vehicles during the Twilight War, being
>installed or retrofitted to many vehicles through early 1999. They can be
>installed successfully on any armored vehicle with an Easy: Mechanic or
>Electronics roll, or a Difficult: Intelligence or Education roll. Weight:
>4.5 kg; Price: $40 (C/R)
>>From: "Don Low" <>
>>To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
>>Subject: Re: [MV] HEAT TO GO: New Hot Beverage Bag for Soldiers
>>Date: Sun, 29 May 2005 13:05:31 -0500
>>Well thanks Wayne, , I am however already ready to HEAT .
>>I have a 4 MRE bag heater in the truck on 24 volts (yep mil issue)
>>It calls for NSN number on it, for bag to heat up water in .
>>But I can not find them listed anywhere except this reference
>>From: "Wayne Harris" <>
>>Subject: RE: [MV] HEAT TO GO: New Hot Beverage Bag for Soldiers
>>Date: Sun, 29 May 2005 05:37:04 -0400
>>Not exactly what you are looking for but sometime this month Kroger
>>grocery stores will/should have a Self Heating Coffee Can which comes in
>>four flavors(retail for about $2.25), It heats the coffee to 145 degrees
>>in six minutes - and stays hot for 30 minutes, later on this fall will be
>>cans of self-heating soup in four varieties and Hot chocolate and all made
>>to fit your car cup holder. Here is the basis idea. Water flows into a
>>sealed inner cone filled with quicklime, which is mostly calcium oxide. A
>>chemical reaction heats the coffee to a pleasant 145 degrees in six to
>>eight minutes. Wayne
>>BTW MREs heaters mix magnesium iron oxide and water and need several
>>BTW If you just need a source of hot water here is one trick the convicts
>>in the C.I. I used to work in would do. They would steal our Fire Horns
>>off the walls, strip the fine copper wire out, wind it up like a coil,
>>plug it into 120v and heat water to make their coffee with. You might
>>could do the same with a 12 or 24v battery.. The left over wire would be
>>used to make antennas for their radios. They would tie one end around a
>>tube of tooth paste(for the weight) stick their arm out of a windrow and
>>toss it on the roof and hook it to the radio. Both worked great.
>>>From: "Don Low" <>
>>>To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
>>>Subject: [MV] HEAT TO GO: New Hot Beverage Bag for Soldiers
>>>Date: Sun, 29 May 2005 01:34:27 -0500
>>>It does not say what these are made of,
>>>Anyone know where I can get the4m ?????

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