RE: [MV] What are Normal Road speeds for 2.5 & 5 ton

From: Bjorn Brandstedt (
Date: Mon May 30 2005 - 10:57:38 PDT

Don't know about "average", but you should be able to run the deuce all day
at 2,500-2.600 rpm, which translates into about 55 mph for 900 tires and 60
mph for 1100's. I have driven my deuce at 60 plus for hours on end (11.00-20
NDCC tires). I think the multifuel likes to be driven hard. :-)
Convoy speed has been about 45-50 mph in my experience.

Meadows of Dan, Virginia

>From: "Dan Parmley Jr." <>
>To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
>Subject: [MV] What are Normal Road speeds for 2.5 & 5 ton
>Date: Mon, 30 May 2005 09:02:28 -0700
>Hello all,
>I wanted to get a group consensus of what an average "real world" road
>speed is for the following.
>M35A2 No Turbo
>M35A2 with Turbo
>M35A2 shortened into a 4x4
>Early 900 series cargo
>Late 900 series cargo
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