Assistance MVPA ect

From: laptops (
Date: Sat Aug 06 2005 - 19:51:30 PDT

I was a MVPA I droped out because the always in fighting.The way Jim Gilmore
was treated was a shame he is probley one of the smartest MV person I know.
This list is to be about MV's not bum rapping people or trying to make
members look bad.We have a list member that calls members names if he had
some bad experance with them.We have had political things go on and those
got out of hand.
The guy that needed help I wish I was close to him I would have brought him
a tire and rim and sied get on your way and good luck but thats me.
I dont have any MV's at this time as I am to ill to work on them so all I
can do is watch.Sold my bride truck and 2 M715's last year and my M 998 the
year before as well as my XM211.
Lets get back to MV's

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