Fuel costs, observations, UK - USA

From: Employee at MILVEHCO (milveh@dslextreme.com)
Date: Tue Aug 23 2005 - 10:41:09 PDT

A list member from the UK recently wrote, "if you love your hobby enough
you'll pay whatever it costs." And I'm sure every Royal would agree with
you too, damned the costs, full speed ahead! Wished I had the luxury of
being able to say that, but I'm on a farmer's budget and we tend to be
real tight when it comes to spending.

He also noted as a patriotic duty, "I consider it to be part of my
responsibility as a good citizen to pay my taxes. I choose to live in this
country so I accept the rules." In America we tend to feel it's our
patriotic duty "NOT" to pay taxes, least whenever we can avoid it! Thus
the old saying, "The income tax has made more liars out of the American's
than golf!"

The American taxpayer's logic is simple: If you give government a dollar,
they'll spend two. So we try to avoid giving them money. We've not had
a lot of luck with this considering we work 190 days a year on average to
pay them. Despite this depressing situation, we remain determined not to
become co-dependant with those addicted to spending our tax money...that
includes gasoline taxes. Someone once said, "tax money for lawmakers is
like Viagra for sex addicts!" and I might ad we're tired of getting

The notion that it's right to question government's tax spending stems
from a situation back in the late 1700's...something about King George III
imposing taxes without consent and without due representation. It worked
pretty well at the time too!

Speaking of poor representation, a few days ago our government admitted
they either lost or misplaced 32,000 vehicles we (taxpayers) bought for
them. They just can't account for them either through paper work or
physically searching. Possibly one or two of them are owned by list
members? Well, whatever happened they are gone and it's things like this
that cause us to resist further taxation and why our gasoline tax runs
about .86 cents per gallon and your's in the UK is about 600% higher.

You might consider adopting the American philosophy on taxes...just a

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