Re: [MV] special diesel farm tax

From: Employee at MILVEHCO (
Date: Sun Sep 18 2005 - 22:35:43 PDT

What we do now is pay the stupid tax, then we are forced to fill out about
12 pages of BS paper work to get a tax refund, if we can show that diesel
is used in our farm operation. It's a total game of course, but the gov
gets to keep all that unlawfully taxed fuel money if you don't play the
game, in fact they are counting on it!

You know, this crap is what makes criminals out of otherwise decent law
abiding folks! What a load of total BS!

Terry & Carolyn Welshans
> Original Message
> --------------------
> Message-ID: <>
> Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2005 10:55:34 -0500
> From: MV <>
> Subject: Re: [MV] Biodiesel and the FDC
> Anyone know what the fines are for having dyed fuel in your tank?
> Dave
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> -----------------------------
> This is from the link to the Chevron site I posted yesterday:
> The federal government imposes an excise tax on diesel fuel, currently
> $0.244 per gallon. However, certain fuel uses are tax-exempt or subject to
> a
> reduced rate. These uses include: heating; farming; use by state or local
> governments or nonprofit educational organizations; and boats engaged in
> fishing or transportation.
> Because Congress believed that there was considerable evasion of this tax,
> the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 changed some of the diesel
> tax
> procedures. Briefly, under the new procedures, the tax is levied on diesel
> fuel removed from a terminal's truck loading rack unless the fuel is dyed.
> Dyed diesel fuel may be used only for nontaxable purposes. Anyone who
> knowingly sells or uses dyed diesel fuel for taxable purposes or who
> willfully alters the concentration of dye in diesel fuel is subject to a
> minimum $10 per gallon penalty. The 1993 Act gives the IRS authority to
> enforce the diesel fuel tax, including the authority to inspect terminals,
> dyes, dyeing equipment, and fuel storage facilities; and to stop, detain,
> and inspect vehicles.
> Terry Welshans
> Homer Glen, Illinois
> "Always do right- this will gratify some and astonish the rest. "
> Mark Twain (1835-1910)
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