Event in CA

From: Nigel Hay MILWEB (nigel@milweb.net)
Date: Tue Nov 22 2005 - 00:32:57 PST

This may be of interest to some of you?

-----Original Message-----
From: marketing@teamtransport.org [mailto:marketing@teamtransport.org]
Sent: 22 November 2005 06:23
To: events@milweb.net
Subject: Event Submission

Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
 (marketing@teamtransport.org) on Tuesday, November 22, 2005 at 05:22:55

Category: Vehicle

date_single: 12/11/05

content: All vehicles and ages welcomed! Location: Pacific Palms
Conference Resort, One Industry Hills Parkway City of Industry, CA. Register
with the group 15+ option and enter "Historic" as your Organization for
discount. Reg includes morning Starbucks, Lunch and Raffle.

URL: http://www.teamtransport.org

contact: Ted Havill

tel: 626-407-2554

country: USA

SUBMIT: Submit Event


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