Re: Government Liquidations

From: m35products (
Date: Wed Dec 21 2005 - 20:35:22 PST

Go get'm John. I'm sure Hillary will listen very carefully, and be right
there for you.


----- Original Message -----
From: "jatonka" <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2005 11:02 PM
Subject: [MV] Government Liquidations

> Hello all on the list, I am posting tonight to offer another example of GL
> BULL S#$T. I subimitted an EUC form yesterday for an item I won on Dec
> Today I received an email from M Soucy at GL stating I needed to change or
> white-out 2 items on my form and resubmit it. The 1st item was my name and
> mailing address which was filled in on the form by GL and was correct any
> way. The 2nd item to correct was section 2 Line 4 (4) which was filled in
> Not Applicable, the same exact way it was filled in on the last sale I won
> items on and had to file an EUC for. I have been jerked around by these
> people constantly and have finally decided to speak up. To all of you and
> congress man. The person at the GL office in AZ, M Soucy said that my
> cancellation Deadline was 12/19/05 but she would allow me to have until
> 1/6/06 to get the proper form filed. Please note the the Auction didn't
> end until 12/19/05. I truly hope that all of us who have had our chops
> broken by these people who are stealing American tax dollars from us will
> speak up, both hear on this list and to your Representatives in Congrees
> make them aware that we are being ripped off, harrassed and in my opinion
> humliated by a group of people who are paid by an organization owned by
> foreigners. John A Tennis American Citizen
> >
> >
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