Re: Sonny's rig

From: m35products (
Date: Tue Dec 27 2005 - 13:54:33 PST


In NY State, (or at least in Suffolk County, NY) if you are pulled over and
inspected, and pass the inspection, you are issued a 90-day courtesy
sticker, so that at any time within 90 days, following the pullover, you are
allowed to continue and not be re-inspected.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Joe Shannon" <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2005 10:35 AM
Subject: Re: [MV] Sonny's rig

> Mr. Smith,
> I have been reading you posts and you know your thing but that is
> where the problem lies, you are the only DOT officer who does. It has
> been my experience that if any other officer pulls over Mr. Sonny and
> then recognizes the fact that it is a recreational vehicle the officer
> will not admit that he made a mistake as I have been told by the main
> man here in Tennessee that his men do not make mistakes and they are not
> interested in what the federal law says.

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