Update for SSgt Smith and Thanks to all of you!

From: Cliff S (mtnbikinssgt@hotmail.com)
Date: Sun Feb 19 2006 - 02:48:09 PST

Let me first off Thank you all for the wealth of food, goodies, nicknacks,
and outpouring of stuff that you all have sent over the last 6 months to me
and my crew. We have enjoyed all of your packages with delight!

Today is a sort of bad day I guess. We were informed of our mail address
and the whereabouts of some of the packages routing. As of today all the
mail will be routed BACK to Camp Lejeune, NC. I know that there are
packages in the system that I have not recieved yet. But I will eventually
get them.......probably not till we are back stateside on a sad note. But
fear not, I will send (reroute) stuff to some of the guys out here that I
have met over the last 6 months out here. Im sure they will appreciate the
goodies as much as I have.

If you were intending on sending something after today, DONT!!!!!!! I wont
get it for over a month back in 29 Palms California.

I did make it back to our "rear" area here in Al Qaim. And the following
packages were waiting for me:
Sandy Chavez
A. Smith
Dan and Suzi Meier
David Bryant
Jack Lee
Richard Lathrop
Maria Salcido
Jerry Yeates (sent a box of rifle cleaning gear)
Jack Sands (sent a box to "Any Marine")

I would just like to Thank you all for everything that you have done. Your
attitude towards the mission out here. Your cooperation and respect that
you have sent towards the Troops.

You all are generous, too generous!!!!!

I guess this is sort of a "LAST LETTER" from me. I dont expect any more
mail to reach me out here. But there may be some awaiting for me back at
our starting point, Ar Ramadi. I will leave the Iraqi training command here
in a few days, and return to my unit. We sent off some of our Iraqis on
leave and said our goodbyes to the rest that we will never see. Though I am
scheduled to be back in Iraq in early next year, right after
Christmas.............Then retirement!

I want to Thank all of you for everything. I guess I cant say it enough, or
give you all my Thanks enough. But, "Thank you!!!!!!!"

I will be at the Tower Park meet in Lodi to Thank all of you who can make it

And Crew

M880, M274A5, 6K GenSet

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