Re: Unimog insurance problems (Maine)

From: Jeff (
Date: Sun Apr 02 2006 - 07:02:45 PDT

Well when the right way becomes such a difficult
procedure, it is an option, although not the best
route to take nor do I advise it, just thought I would
mention that it is done all the time. Of course being
in your position Glenn, a member of the MVPA,you have
the obligation to be poplitically correct.

--- Glenn Shaw <> wrote:

> Hi
> Before any one goes down that road be advised that
> the local and state
> police have COMPLETE authority and control over the
> movement and operation
> of NG and other mil vehicles when operated on the
> public ways. Citations
> are issued all the time to mil drivers and they are
> not immune from Civil
> action. The only time there would be exceptions to
> this are in the
> declaration of a national emergency and marshall
> law. Mil Veh drivers must
> comply with and are subject to all the same regs as
> your grammy driving to
> the store re. operation. It is true that most of
> the time the police
> officers are very pro-military and act accordingly,
> but that is not a hard
> rule and you will run into ones that are not.
> Besides unless you live in an
> old refrigerator box down under the railroad bridge
> and have nothing to lose
> I don't think you will be happy when you have an
> accident, a claim and a
> civil action. Everyone should carry insurance
> unless they are deemed
> self-insurable through Bonding. Steve just needs to
> work this out and get
> his truck on the road insured and ready to go.
> Glenn
> -----Origi nal Message-----
> From: Military Vehicles Mailing List
> [] On Behalf
> Of Jeff
> Sent: Sunday, April 02, 2006 9:16 AM
> To: Military Vehicles Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [MV] Unimog insurance problems (Maine)
> Or you can do like a lot of guys do and just make
> sure
> it has good realistic National guard markings and
> camo, always wear BDU's while driving it and just
> drive it just so with no reg. I know some guys who
> have done this for years and have never ever been
> stopped. Local and state police have no Jurisdiction
> over the National guard and usually do not mess with
> their vehicles. Kind of the radical approach but it
> is
> done.
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