Re: Historic vs Collector Vehicle

From: Thomas M McHugh (
Date: Thu Apr 27 2006 - 17:31:00 PDT


I am not sure what new plate you are referring to, but I bought the
"PERSONALIZED QQ PLATES" I was lucky to get "38A1" for my 1952 M38A1.
I do not remember how much extra it cost. Possibly $50. It is worth it
since if we can afford toys, we can afford frills to go with them.

One change the NJ Military Vehicles are allowed is only hanging the Rear
Plate. You must carry the front plate inside the vehicle.

Tom McHugh, NJ
1952 M38A1
M-416 trailer
MVPA, MTA, Red Ball Transport

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 7:03 PM
Subject: Re: [MV] Historic vs Collector Vehicle

> I've been tagging vehicles with NJ Historic Tags since 1973. I've never
> encountered a mileage limitation with NJ, only with the insuramce
> companies. By law, you can only use the vehicle as stated on the
> tag application, these being in part, car shows and car club activities.
> After one of our MV club members encountered a problem while out
> for a Suday drive (police officer ordered him out of town because
> there were no parades that day), I contacted NJDOT and was
> advised that by the letter of the law there is no provision for
> casual outings, like a Sunday drive, while tagged as NJ Historic Vehicle.
> The DOT man did say that it would take a real rat of a cop to cite
> someone for the offense, but it can happen. NJ has created a new
> tag for collector cars, but I don't think that our mil-vehicles qualify.
> Joe Young
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