Date: Mon May 29 2006 - 18:22:45 PDT

I received some very sad news today... Stanley Stokes -- a long time member
of the Military Vehicle Collectors of Colorado passed away last Thursday....
Stan had a Gun Store in Denver..... STANS MILITARIA..
 He had many vehicles...and sold most of them to Dragon Man....
There is a Funeral in Denver....with full Military Honors. Stan was in the
Korean War..and received the Purple Heart..
It is a graveside service -- Wednesday at 1400.. May 31
Crown Hill Cemetery, Wadsworth and 28th Street.. Sad-- I really liked the
guy.. Put the word out to the Whole MV World.. He knew a lot of people.. For
the last 8 years or so he was in the house.. Could not talk..and had a leg
amputated... Poor guy..
I am trying to find some people and tell them.. Get the word out.!!!
Thanks, Gene

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