Military Vehicles, July 1996,: Rudimentary mil-veh web page

Rudimentary mil-veh web page

Arthur C. Kyle ((no email))
Sat, 6 Jul 96 02:28:23 -0700

Well, FWIW, I've whipped together a simple, text-only web page for the
MIL-VEH list with info about it, a pointer to the archive, and a link to a
form where you can sub and unsub:


It is mostly for the uninitiated and at this time contains nothing you don't
already know. If you check it out, please do let me know about typos,
malformed HTML, omissions, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera (heh, I saw "The
King and I" again last night).

Post your favorite URLs to the list and I'll see about adding them to mil-veh.html.
