Military Vehicles, January 1997,: Connecticut MV Collectors Annual Spring Show & Swap Meet: April 26,

Connecticut MV Collectors Annual Spring Show & Swap Meet: April 26,

Arthur C. Kyle ((no email))
Thu, 30 Jan 97 18:41:56 -0800

[[Admin note: I'm forwarding this to the list on behalf of Dennis
O'Connor. Though he can read the list archives over the web, he is
unable to receive e-mail at the moment and thus is not a member of
the mil-veh list. His contact information is below. Please do not
contact me about this. --Arthur]]

The Connecticut Military Vehicle Collectors will be holding their
Annual Spring Show & Swap Meet on April 26, 1997 at the Naugatuck
Elks Hall, Rubber Ave. Naugatuck, CT rain or shine. All military
vehicles and antique civilian trucks welcome. Admission $3 (Vets
& Kids Free). Contact Dennis O'Connor, 19 City Brook Rd., Naugatuck,
CT (USA) 06770-3156 Phone: 203-729-9223 (before 9PM EST please).
We also have the Annual Summer Rally at the Terryville Fairgrounds
in Terryville, CT on June 28, 1997. Same basics but with emphasis
on vehicles including judging and displays. I can send flyers to
anyone interested..just let me know.

CONTACT INFO: Dennis O'Connor, 19 City Brook Rd., Naugatuck,
CT (USA) 06770-3156 Phone: 203-729-9223 (before 9PM EST please).