Military Vehicles, February 1997,: wanted US WW2 -Modern Flame thrower parts and complete units

wanted US WW2 -Modern Flame thrower parts and complete units

Rick Green (
Tue, 04 Feb 1997 00:01:45 -0500

I am looking for any flame thrower parts and complete units. I collect
and shoot this items. If you know where any are for sale please let me
know. they are not regulated like most firearms. So you could send one
UPS. Thanks jason
Some examples of what is a DD and what is not:
Muzzle loading cannon - NOT, as it is an antique design, unless it
has some special features allowing breech loading.
A grenade - is a DD
A molotov cocktail - is a DD
An M-79 or M-203 40mm grenade launcher - is a DD
A smooth bore 37mm projectile launcher - not a DD. Not even a
title 1 firearm. This falls under the signalling device
exception, I believe. It is helped by the fact that no explosive
ammo has ever been commercially made for it.
A 40mm grenade for an M-79 or M-203 - a DD.
Non-explosive 40mm practice ammo - not a DD. Commercial making of
it would require a type 10 FFL though, as although the ammo is not
itself classified as a DD, making ammo for a DD requires the FFL.
A non-sporting 12 gauge shotgun - is a DD, because it has a bore
over 1/2", and is not exempted unless it meets the "sporting use"
test. Check out the Gilbert Equipment Co., v. Higgins case for how
the sporting use test has been re-interpreted from what it meant
when the law was enacted to having ATF be arbiters of what is
A Flame Thrower - not a DD, nor even a firearm. Unregulated as
to possession, under federal law. Great way to clear snow off the