Military Vehicles, February 1997,: FWD>Fw- FCC Response

FWD>Fw- FCC Response

Jim Leonard (
6 Feb 1997 18:54:10 -0500

Mail*Link(r) SMTP FWD>Fw: FCC Response

> >>>>Pass The Word..IMPORTANT!
> >>>>The FCC is considering a proposal by local telephone co's to
> >>>>charge Per-minute rates.They contend Internet users overload the
> >>>>lines and should be compensated.The FCC has set up a E-Mail box for
> >>>>responses.The address is( THE WORD OUT!!Do you think
> >>>>could afford by-minute rates in addition to your regular service
> >>>>charges?I couldn't!The dead-line for response is Feb 13,1997...Mail
> >>>>everyone you know!

> >===============================

> >The above refers to Access Charge Reform NPRB FCC 96-488, and the FCC is
> >indeed requesting responses to a proposal of several issues. The
> >is from
> >NEWSReport No. DC 96-113ACTION IN DOCKET CASE December 24, 1996:
> >
> >
> >The Commission today commenced a proceeding to reform its system of
> >access charges to make that system compatible with the pro-competitive
> >deregulatory framework established by the Telecommunications Act of
> >1996.The Commission stated that the fundamental changes in the structure
> >and dynamics of the telecommunications industry required by the 1996 Act
> >now necessitate a review of the existing access charge regulations to
> >ensure that they are compatible with the 1996 Act's far-reaching
changes. .
> >.
> >
> >In the NPRM released today, the Commission tentatively concluded that
> >information service providers should not be subject to interstate access
> >charges as currently constituted. The Commission recognized, however,
> >the development of the Internet and other information services raises
> >critical questions that go beyond the interstate access charges that are
> >the primary focus of the NPRM. . .
> >
> >This entire news release can be found at
> >
> >The NPRM is at:
> >
> >You can also download public comments from the FCC Homepage at:
> >
> >
> >Interestingly, when I checked the site all of the electronically filed
> >comments were from telephone companies.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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Subject: Fw: FCC Response
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