Military Vehicles, March 1997,: Suggestions for Memphis

Suggestions for Memphis

Jim Leonard (
6 Mar 1997 11:17:36 -0500

Suggestions for Memphis

An MV Buyers Forum at Memphis

1. At the 97 convention, lets create a "Buyers Forum" or " MV Workshop".
Frankly, all military vehicles I've owned came from private owners or
companies, like 'White Owl.' You're given a 'bill of sale', a tag
transference is issued, and you've noticed a void in your checking account.

2. Get a member who is an attorney and involve him or her as to the best
aspects of purchasing a military vehicle.

3. What about a 'Statue of Limitations' involving the Govt. and so-called
stolen vehicles? Can we get a member of the Govt. (an roast'em, not really) to
add to the discussion.

4. Can we go back, to what date, and complete a Form 97 on a vehicle?

5. How good is the 'Bill of Sale' that you get from the DRMO?

Surely, there will be scheduled events at Memphis this year and this could be
a short session, at no cost to the attendee.

(Then we can all go to my booth where I'll be buying up all the A2's I can