Military Vehicles, March 1997,: Re: M-37 Fender Cutout

Re: M-37 Fender Cutout

Ben Hughes (
20 Mar 1997 07:23:17 U

Reply to: RE>>M-37 Fender Cutout
My M43 has the same deal. I do know it has nothing to do with the Heater, Hot
Water, Winterization, One Each that mounts on the driver's side fender. Could it
be for some type of Arctic engine pre-heater?


Date: 3/20/97 6:22 AM
To: Ben Hughes
My M37 also has the same cut out that you described. I have wondered what it
was for but have never consulted my manuals. Your quesion prompted me to do
just that.
The cover (part no CC-1279951) is listed in the "Ord-9 SNL" as a "cover for
hole, winterization, front fender." This was the only reference I could find
for it. It apparently has something to do with the winterization kit.....just
what, I couldn't tell you.
Mike Wheeler
M37 & M880

Enjoy!! :-)