[MV] Transport

Dave Cole (DA_Cole@compuserve.com)
Tue, 3 Nov 1998 13:54:30 -0500


What I have found is that the cheapest way to get a truck from here to
there is to trailer it yourself. Everything else is going to be more
expensive since you have insurance, a driver involved, commercial grade
equipment, etc. I personally don't mind driving a lot and I have a truck=

and a trailer so smaller vehicles (< 8K lbss) are not a big deal. I have=

recently rented a big gooseneck trailer (26K lb rating) and moved a 2 1/2=

ex-airforce/civvy model truck and a large military trailer frame at the
same time about 250 miles. It was really no big deal once I got everythi=
on the trailer. =

I've talked to trucking outfits and have found that for between $1.25 and=

$1.75 per mile they will move a flat bed semi worth of stuff
trucks/trailers/ etc one way. On a 50 ft flat bed that should equate to=
- 2 1/2 ton trucks or probably 3 jeeps. They will also load and unload t=
vehicles for you, but you have to have a ramp to get them on and off at
both ends. If you are talking about going 3000 miles that gets pretty
pricey. It seems to me that rail is the way to go for long hauls, but th=
rail system seems to be geared for the big users, GM, Ford, etc. Not the=

little guy who wants to move 3 trucks.

Something else I just thought about during my recent trip to Disney world=

is that Amtrak still has some deal where they will put your car/truck? on=
train while you ride in the coach. I don't know why you couldn't take a
jeep instead of a car and leave the car there. That might be something t=
consider also. =

Good Luck,


Message text written by Scott Forman
>Hey list:

Anyone know or have any experience with a way to transport a vehicle a
long distance that is safe and inexpensive? I have people contact me
sometimes interested in buying a vehicle if we could get it from Memphis
to places like Miami or California without having to pay as much in
shipping as the vehicle costs. Any ideas?


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