Re: [MV] Overdrive units

jonathon (
Sun, 3 Jan 1999 22:08:35 -0600 (CST)

>I have seen M38A1's advertised with overdrive units. I am unfamiliar
>with these. Can someone with knowledge of these units get back to me
>with how they work, how they are installed, and most importantly, can
>these units be used on an MB/GPW or an M38. The M38A1 is the only model
>I have seen mentioned with one of these units.

I put one on my CJ2A as the axle ratio is worse than an MB as far as road
use. At the time they were made by Warn, but I believe that Advance
Adapters (they have a web site but don't recall the name) must have bought
them out because they are selling what looks like the exact same unit.
Should be available for any application with the older transfer case because
it bolts into the cover for a rear PTO.


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