Re: [MV] HMMWV Demil

Joe Foley (
Tue, 23 Feb 1999 20:42:33 -0800 (PST)

---William George wrote:
> I've got a question for everyone.I recently saw a nice HMMWV at a
DRMO vehicle yard.It had been
> rolled,but the only visible damage was the windshield and windshield
frame.Anyway,the Forest Service came
> and picked it up.How come they can get it without any kind of demil
and we can't.They aren't military,and they
> use them quite often on public raods.What's the deal?
Hi Bill,

A lot of this is "explained" on the DRMS webpage. But what I know
about it is that Gov't entities have first crack at what available as
surplus, this can include foreigners, too, in some cases. Then come
the non-profit organizations, Indian tribes included here, also
colleges. Then, if there's anything left, it goes to us poor suckers
as an auction or tag sale.

Joe F.
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