Re: [MV] Dodge Ambulance WC-54

Renaud OLGIATI (
Thu, 17 Jun 1999 08:27:08 -0500

At 03:05 17/06/99 -0700, you wrote:
>So far I'm also looking for the following:
>- clubs, organisations, parades, conventions, etc....


You have to decide what you want to do with your WC54:=20

If you want to use it off-road axle-deep inmud or inching up impossible
slopes, join the "Escadron de l'Histoire".

If you prefer to dess-up as a US army officer and drive in convoy on tarmac
on D-Day aniversaries, join the MVCG.

You will find, in both organisations, (and AFAIK in EVERY club) a majority
of nice guys, ready to profer advice and helpyou out of problems, and a
minority of agaravating twits, who get on everyone nerves ;-)

You may also find some local club, but it will be more restricted in
activities, number of members, etc.

To contact the EH: Mr Meheust 0139545120 or Mr COURTONNE 0344413780 will
give you all the information needed.
I dont have a contact phone for the MVCG, but I know that at least one of
their members is on this list; call for help.


Ron the Frog, in Darkest Paraguay.

PS Si tu contactes Meheust et/ou Courtonne, peux-tu leurs transmettre mes
amiti=E9s, et mon adresse EMail ? Merci d'avance.

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