Re: [MV] HMMWV Dealers only and no license/GSA/Govt. involvement?

Andy Michalski (
Mon, 26 Jul 1999 17:05:14 -0500

What does the GSA have to do at all with this auction? I heard about
these from a guy that claimed ownership of these units about a month
before any of this was known on the internet, then a local car dealer
was supposed to be selling them, now it is going to an auction. I was
under the assumption that these were already out of the government
loop. These already have form 97's on them, right?

Andy wrote:
> Why is everyone so upset about a dealer only auction? They've been going on
> for hundreds of years. Nothing new here folks! GSA is looking into ways of
> maximising the return on surplus tax-payer equipment and this is a possitive
> way. Would you guys be happier if the vehicles were crushed? Geezz...

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