RE: [MV] The Beltring Gulag........worth the suffering.....

Keith, Steve (
Fri, 13 Aug 1999 09:30:46 -0500

Certainly the Bayeux parade was a spectacle and the convoy
well handled. The actual crowd control in Bayeux had something of the
French flavour though with vehicles gently pushing the crush of people aside
the keen photographers darting out between vehicles to get pictures.
I found the sight of small children patting the top run of half-track tracks
they passed somewhat worrying.

The drivers of the two vehicles in our group reported the drive to be
harrowing but well worthwhile.


In 1989 I ' wandered' into the Bayeau parade with the CCKW I was driving. As
the crowd was right up against us, I kept pointing to the rear duals and
saying (in English) that they should watch out for the duals being further
out because they might run over their toes...

Very worthwhile, but harrowing... yes


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