Re: [MV] MRE's

Jaime A Ponce de Leon (
Mon, 23 Aug 1999 00:07:14 -0600

>>..... Somewhere I have a photo of an MSDS
>>envelope on the side of a skid of MRE's. Think about it.
> Yea, well.... It's getting rather silly with these MSD sheets. I just got
> one a few months ago for a grinding wheel.

During Searches, we use a smoke/flame type flare to signal target
aquisition, theres a MSDS on the package on the flares, warning of the
dangers of the chemicals...
and the side of the flare is stamped, Warning, Poison, DO NOT EAT FLARE

There is no great genius without a mixture of madness.

Jaime Ponce de Leon
SysOp, MadRabbitt Internet
Work: (915) 329-7310
Pgr:  (915) 541-2743

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