Looking for Soft Top for M35A2...

From: Jim Newton (jnewton@laurel.com)
Date: Fri Jun 01 2001 - 16:11:48 PDT

Hello List...

Does anyone have a soft top for an M35A2 they want to get rid of? I'd
need it pretty quick.

Also, if someone could briefly describe how these soft tops attach to
the truck, I would appreciate it much! I believe the truck has the
soft top frame already on it.

My situation is that if I decide to go to TX to pick up my new-to-me
M35A2, I will want to put a top on it so I would have the top shipped
directly to the seller and I would put it on before I leave. Your
mention of any special tools or fasteners that I should bring would be


Jim "Ike" Newton
1984 Military CUCV Suburban
6.2TD, 3/4-Ton 4WD 

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