Re: [MV] Military Vechicle and insurance

From: Wayne Harris (
Date: Thu Jun 21 2001 - 20:28:21 PDT

Hi A P Most of the trucks I've seen has had a good size chain welded
somewhere around the bottom of the front seat and long enough to wrap around
the steering wheel [of course once it get to the DRMO its locked and no key
so they cut it and then the chain is to short to fit] but while this worked
for the military you need something else for the civilian life these trucks
can crank up in gear and will run over most any thing in its way if you
don't shut them down in time :-)) Wayne

>To: <> (Military Vehicles Mailing List)
>Subject: Re: [MV] Military Vechicle and insurance
>Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 20:47:35 EDT
>This current thread re: insurance has reminded me to ask some of the
>on M series: Was there a government-wide or service-wide policy of welding
>little brackets/loops/hasps etc, in the cabs of these vehicles for
>a chain and padlock to prevent unauthorized use?
>I have seen several methods in the field, although my trucks do not have
>of these modifications.
>(I would advise anyone who owns a green beest to carry a short length of
>chain which can be wrapped once around the steering column, then once
>the clutch pedal, and pad-locked. Just the presence of this rather feeble
>anti-theft device will probably discourage most of the would-be joy-riders
>(or worse). )
>Just my 100,000 yen. apbloom
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