Re: [MV] HMMWV Registrations and guns

From: Bryan Rupp (
Date: Mon Mar 20 2000 - 04:54:33 PST

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 I don't take Richard's statement as a slam to gun ownership but more of a reminder that for a
country with a lot less gun restrictions then most other countries have we sure have a lot of stupid
laws that do more to limit what we drive instead of what we shoot. I too am a gun collector as I own
about 12 of them along with my involvement with restoring MV's and have also fallen for the "stupid
test" in the past. But 9 years in the Air Force taught me one thing, show me the reg that say's I
can't do it. I have been dealing with Alaska DMV for the last couple of months over the need for a
CDL to drive a 5 ton M52. All I was getting from them was "no, you must have a CDL" but when I asked
them for it in writing they were stumped. When I forced them to open the books to prove it this got
them to realize that some of the stuff they were saying was wrong. Anyhow, while a large amount of
people in the U.S. fight like crazy if you try to control what they can own firearm wise the
quantity of people in the U.S. fighting for MV rights is much smaller and has less of a voice with
the media. Needless to say the people making the laws are a lot less likely to hear anything at all
when it comes to MV's. If we had the amount of people pushing for MV rights here as we do for gun
rights we probably wouldn't have this garbage going on about not being able to register a Hummve. I
joined the MVPA as a hope that with a stronger membership they might be able to push MV issues
harder to get rid of stupid stuff like this HMMWV issue. So for those of you who can think of
nothing better to do then scream "You can't tell me what to drive, I have rights!", all I can say is
take a few minutes to minimize your email window and open a web browser. Now find the web page for
you local and state representatives and start sending them letters. Plus a lot of them have their
email addresses listed. If enough people keep at it maybe they'll get a clue that we are not just
just a few nuts on the loose but are in fact a bigger group that knows how to vote. And Mark, if I'm
wrong about Richard's intent in his comment, that's just his opinion. If I said that I would rather
spend my day racing at a drag strip then wasting my time on a ugly green truck doesn't mean that
it's a terrible thing to do. Everyone has there own definition of fun and MV owners are no
different. So if one guy thinks that doing so-and-so is stupid he's intitled to his own opinion. It
doesn't matter to me what he cares.


Mark Baxter wrote:
> MR.. Notton I enjoy your renditions on Military Vehicle ownership in both
> of our countries, But it seems to me, that every chance you get, you knock
> US gun owners, and IM frankly getting tired of it. I can own BOTH Military
> Vehicles and a Gun in my country!!

Richard had said:

>> I find its a better deal being free to play with Mr Alvis's 10.5 tons
>> (23,520 lb if you must) of amphibious, air braked FV623
>> mechanical over-complexity than a couple of pounds of personal ironware
>> ballast from Mr S Colt.

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