[MV] Mule Tie Rod Boots

From: Steve (SteveK@owens-export.com)
Date: Tue Mar 28 2000 - 08:41:23 PST

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>From: "Brett Phillips" <bphillip@shentel.net>
>Is there any demand for M-274 tie rod boots? The tie rod ends seem to be
>available, but neither Leonard Grove nor Earl Montieth has the boots. If
>there is enough demand, I might make a few from urethane. If you know of a

I have Poly tie rod boots for the mule for sale.

$20.00 for pack of 10
$12.00 for pack of 6

Steve - stevek@owens-export.com
               Owens Export Service
           Tel: 818-772-0806 Fax: 818-772-4799

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