Re: [MV] HR-4205

From: Thomas Gould (
Date: Wed Aug 23 2000 - 04:15:54 PDT

Doc wrote: <My Congressman needs help...>

Hello Doc,

Thanks for all of your great postings to the list.

What Mr. Holland, the list and every other MVer should be doing right
NOW is preparing a "Show Cause" order that would/could restrain the
implementation and enforcement of the/any offending sections of the bill
that could be served the very SAME day/moment it is (if it is) passed.

Preparation of these types of orders is relatively easy and inexpensive.
But to line up an Attorney, draft it, tweak it, and finalize it, could
take a month+.

If you wait until after the Bill is passed to start drafting a show
cause, the offending sections of the bill and the Enforcement Agencies
involved could already be well entrenched by the time you present it.
That's not a good starting point.

Now is the time.

Much better to have it ready, instantly. Also, one of the "heaviest"
inspirations you can give a Politician(s), is to advise him/them of
"ready and waiting" legal action on one of his proposals. He won't want
the bad press of being sued the same day his bill is passed. It also
demonstrates you are serious.


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