Ring Mount question/WTB

From: Clarke Ferber (hk91@worldnet.att.net)
Date: Fri Sep 15 2000 - 07:57:43 PDT

Does anyone know the model of the ring-mount on a HMMVW? I'm looking to buy
one and could use whatever information anyone has.



Quote from etg002@email.mot.com (Tim Grothause):
I support car ownership although cars can be used to drive drunk.
I support pharmaceutical manufacture although drugs can be abused.
I support swimming pool ownership although kids can drown in them.
I support steak-knife ownership although they can be used in stabbings.
I support free speech although people say things I don't like to hear.
I support freedom of religion although cults do the damnedest things.
I support parenthood although parents can abuse their children.
I support penis ownership although they are used in rapes.
I support gun ownership although guns can be used in crime.
I support open elections although a moron became President.
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