Re: COUGARJACK YES !!! Re HR4205 Holland

From: Rob Pearson (
Date: Fri Oct 06 2000 - 05:33:09 PDT

What a great way to start the morning !
If CougarJack were the representative he would have been able to verbally
Whoop, Sen. Floyd Spence' ass right there on the floor for even allowing
such a bill to brought up in the first place.!
Obviously, "Spence has far too much time on his hands"!

Be warned -This is not the end of this.
You can't protect your freedoms by hoping someone else will step in and
protect our "toys" ...our heritage and history, for us!
I recently saw a documentary on TV whereby the gov't in Australia said to
the gun collectors/enthusiasts...
"We just want you to register your collections.... !"
Yeah Right !
Then the small groups, of what we will call "The Vocal Minority" kept up the
pressure on elected Govt., officials ...until the day came that all weapons
had to be "turned in!" Confiscated !
The Silent Majority, that is (we, collectors of all exMilitary stuff)
have the numbers to turn this around and make it go away!
However, the Majority (many of us) will spend a hell of a lot of time
talking about our toys being "Demilled" without acting on it!

But, very very few of us, actually approached our representatives (not just
some intern at a representatives office) in person and pleaded our case.

How many of us ...actually made repeated attempts to secure in interview to
plead the stupidity of this Bill?

The NRA seems to be constantly in the news... I know they have bigger
numbers / membership. However, after they won the first big round ...the
"Vocal Minority groups" did NOT go away!

We are all complaining about huge gas prices... right!
Remember, we're the "Silent Majority" !
Now tell me, why the hell are we not recovering and using and "exploring"
our own vast, vast, resources
Instead of being held captive, waiting for the "OIL CARTEL" to screw us
now seems to be happening.

How many of us will go to work and during our morning break sit around
complaining about the govt., doing this or not do that... eh?
Well that's what millions upon millions of us do!
We "are" the "Silent Majority"

Well, we cant drill for oil, here anymore... and we cant drill there, and
that nuclear power station isn't environmentally friendly ... and
therefore, we can't touch the millions and millions of acres because some little rodent might be in danger of losing their little hole in
the ground!
Some minority groups became very "Vocal", and got out of their TV chair...
and off their fat rear ends and took on a cause. Those causes, in many cases
were valid! (Stopping severe water pollutionetc.)

But, these groups after winning one long struggle... then took on another...
and another... and another! ...and they win each one of their causes!
How do they do it with so few numbers. One way, is that they rub shoulders
with people in high places, and rub shoulders again & again & again!

Whats my point then... eh?
Well it's very Simple.
We have work, to become the "Vocal Majority"!
Not the "Silent Majority" that we are at the moment !!!
Should we, Stand up and be counted... YES!
Damm right we should!
But, who does the actual counting?
Our State and Federal Representatives do the counting!
...and moreover, none of this busines of leaving a message on the answering
machines no, no, no!
It has far more than that... far more!

Stand up from our evening TV chairs and WORK towards keeping our freedoms
This goes well beyond just joining and being a member of a group and paying
out dues. (still, do that as well)
Unfortunately though, we "must work" at meeting with our Representatives.
Explaining "our" point of view...!
Make a presentation... show photos... or a 2 minute video of our activities.
Convince "them", that there is absolutely NO point in "demilling" our
toys... our history... our heritage... make a live presentation of "who we
are" and show our Repr's., definitely, who we are not!
Every time we see an old jeep, reminds my wife of an old photo of her
deceased father beside a jeep during WW11.

Too soon, that's could be all that's left... olds photos!

Next, get ready to work towards Round Two !
It will come by again, be assured of that!
It will come by again!

and personally, cheers to CougarJack!
Rob Pearson
State and Federal Taxpayer of more than 23 years!

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>

I was one of those who was FOR writing in and confronting this head on, and
I was against all this secrecy. Often, the Legislators themselves have not
one single clue what they're voting for. The others are liars. A lot of them
are just too negligent and wrapped up in stealing from us to bother.

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