looking for 87 humvees in atlanta

From: Scuba Steve (me_scubasteve@yahoo.com)
Date: Mon Feb 19 2001 - 16:07:19 PST

   You wrote me about a month ago saying you had
humvees for sale. I wrote you back but you didn't get
back to me. I am going your way in the next week and
want to see what you have. You can reach me buy cell
phone at 1-905-973-0925 You will have to leave a
message and I will get back to you. If this number
doesn't work try 1-905-714-2453.
    You can also email me back at
me_scubasteve@yahoo.com I will try and check email if
I get a chance. If you can leave your number so I can
call you.



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