Re: [MV] legal troubles

From: Chief Richard L. Hileman II (
Date: Sat Mar 17 2001 - 11:30:26 PST

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2001 4:05 AM
Subject: Re: [MV] legal troubles

> Steve,
> Yes, there are a lot of law enforcement types on this list...there are
also lots of enforced-against citizens who have issues with police conduct.

Few "enforced-against citizens" don't have issues. Some though look at the
big picture.

> Last time I checked, it was still legal to offend law enforcement
officials. If that is not the case, let me know so I can call the movers.

It is generally legal, I believe, but it is rather rude.

> While I admit that his remark was gratuitously careless,I had hoped for a
response with a more, er, intellectual content. Yours sounded more like a
threat, which, I think, was what the gentleman had in mind when he made his
remark. If you are suggesting that the police in this country have NOT
crossed the consitutional line, I'll take you on regarding that issue. If
you are suggesting that you are not all shitheads, I'll sit quietly and let
you establish that fact. If you think that he was just a bit careless and
that his accusation may have some merit, I applaud you and regain a little
faith in the system. Surprise me!
> BTW, where I come from, we don't capitalize "law enforcement" . We hold
them to the same or higher standards than anyone else, and we take umbrage
with those who consider themselves "Upper Case" citizens.

  It is kinda amusing that law enfocement is taking a beating over profiling
and yet you are profiling the police. Painting with a rather wide brush,
eh? Interesting that they are held to higher standards and yet you view
them with such disdain. What I would admit is this Tomlin seems like a
really nice guy. As for what happened to him, I haven't seen any first hand
accounts, so I won't leap to judgement of him or the officers.

> Regards,
> Jack
> In a message dated Sat, 17 Mar 2001 12:25:10 AM Eastern Standard Time,
Stephen L Dussetschleger <> writes:
> << 5. Remember that in the final stages, it will be either a judge
> a
> jury who decide your fate. They are generally receptive to the truth,
> unlike
> the shitheads who do the arresting, who thank God, are NOT the judge and
> jury.

Well isn't that the point of our system. We find those in violations and
put them in front of the court. There there will be time for a careful
examination of the fact and extenuating circumstances. I haven't heard
anyone propose he wasn't in violation, just that it was technical and de

> ****** Goes to show,y ou gotta watch what you put into print.
> Otherwise some of us Law Enforcement types ( aka shitheads ?) might take
> offense.
> Steve

Hey I take offence as well. (For the nervous types, no threat, no hidden
meaning, no nothing other than my affront at the comment, and of course as a
law enforcement type I guess you wouldn't care what we think, so you can
just disregard our feelings.)


the new guy on the list with the CUCV.

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