Yet another MULE question

From: Emmett Thompson (
Date: Mon Apr 09 2001 - 09:13:13 PDT

Howdy List;
I was reading through the "Standard Catalog of US military vehicles" and
found that there were 2452 M274"s (A nothing) made.
I also read that the M274A3"s were converted M274's.
Anyone out there have any idea or even a guess how many M274's were
converted over to the A3?
I was just wondering how many M274's actually made it out without being
destroyed or converted. I am sure that a few were kicked out the back of a
C130 or a similar plane and wound up in a swamp in several pieces or ran off
the face of a cliff.

I have got the deck of my mule ready for extensive stripping. The engine is
rebuilt and ready to go. I just have to keep plugging along and not lose


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