Stud/bolt removal

Date: Sat May 26 2001 - 16:03:44 PDT


I would caution anyone from using a lubricant such as WD-40 before using
"heat" which is the polite term for the torch, I suppose. One night while
working in the South Bronx on a rescue detail for the 52 Precinct, we took a
young man into the ER of Columbia Presbyterian Hospital with an unusual, and
ultimately fatal, injury.

It seems that he was trying to remove a broken stud from an engine block, and
after soaking the stud with WD-40, applied heat. A pool of WD-40 had trickled
down the threads into the bottom of the hole. The stud came loose. In fact it
shot out of the block, and pushed itself, the victim's eyeglass lens, and his
eyeball back into his brain area. I say "area", as apparently he was
initially lacking in that department to have attempted such a trick.

I asked for a copy of the Xray that showed a perfectly good stud, resting
comfortably within the cranial area. I used that Xray over the years to warn
guys under my command not to do the same thing.

Good luck, and stay safe. A P Bloom

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