Re: [MV] STE/ICE Tester for CUCV

From: chance wolf (
Date: Sun Jun 03 2001 - 13:12:45 PDT

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Wiehe" <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2001 11:02 AM
Subject: Re: [MV] STE/ICE Tester for CUCV

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "chance wolf" <>
> To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
> Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2001 13:33
> Subject: Re: [MV] STE/ICE Tester for CUCV
> > The STE/ICE gadget seems to have been spawned by that sort of mindset
> > brought us those abominable and unwieldy "experimental" TM's which bury
> > truly valuable information in layer after layer of largely worthless
> > flow-chart based troubleshooting fan-folds. Then again, after seeing
> > evidence of the sort of mechanical aptitude of _certain_ USMC mechanics
> > respects the Humvee fleet, I can understand why such creatures exist.
> Don't you just love it when those type of Tm's say ,
> " ..... refer to a higher authority .'' Just when you think you have the
> to your problem.

Oh yeah. "Refer to higher echelon maintenance" is the usual phrase, I
believe, and many a manual has earned frequent-flyer mileage sailing across
the room in a flight of fury when hours of following little AND/NAND/OR/ NOR
boxes results in a line of text similar to the above, which, when properly
translated into Motorpoolese, probably roughly equates to:

"Use a bigger hammer"
"SAE nuts WILL work on metric bolts with the right wrench"
"Discard 'spare' bracket and re-torque with pipe-wrench"
"So what if it is hooked up backwards? Sarge will gimme another..."
"<shrug> I think it goes back together like this. No one but me will ever
know anyways."

I plan on having a lovely bonfire with all of those horrid manuals - maybe
we can make it a sort of Guy Fawkes night with an effigy of M*A*S*H's
motor-pool mechanic 'Rizzo' as the incendiary guest of honour. I'll toast

Andy Hill
MVPA 8211
Vancouver, B.C. (who notes depot rebuild 60A alternators come with the
ironclad guarantee: "40,000 miles or 24 volts - whichever occurs first.")

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