Renaud' s response

From: Ron (
Date: Sat Jun 09 2001 - 01:19:15 PDT

This is what I received from Renaud in response to mine to him. Wouldn't
want anyone to miss this gem.
    It might be a might confusing, since there are two Rons. And My reply to
his reply to my reply. But try to muddle through. Comments appreciated.
Ron, American type, one each.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Renaud OLGIATI" <>
To: "Ron" <>
Sent: Friday, June 08, 2001 12:54 AM
Subject: Re: [MV] YAK Re: [MV] D Day Wreckage on Discovery 2 night...RANT

> On Thursday 07 June 2001 12:57, I was honoured by a missive from Ron that
> said :
> > I will try and address the points that you have raised:


> > > - And last of all, you claim there are US bodies there; the people who
> > > were diving there say there were not. Do you have any evidence ?
> >


> > No, I don't. My evidence is purely circumstantial and here say.
> > Pictures and films of D Day. Conversations with American Veterans who
> > to have been there at the time and got pretty pieces of metal and
> > from the U.S. Government and "The Grateful People of France" for leaving
> > pieces of themselves and thier buddies in France, both on land, in the
> > and in the air. Stories written by people about D Day and conversations
> > with people who claim that they have been to a place called France

Renaud's reply:
> This does not mean there is any body left down there,after fifty years at
> bottom of a shallow tidal estuary.
> I did not say no-one died there, only that it is quite likely that, by
> there is nothing left og them.

    Same could be said of what is buried in the cemetaries. No one died
there and there is likely little left there, but it it is still hallowed
ground. Want to put in house lots,Renaud?

> > So the next time La Belle France
> > has some problems with it's neighbors, don't call U.S., we'll call you.

Renaud's reply:

> This we have already seen the last times we needed US help in the fifties,
> the time of Suez and Dien Ben Phu. We did need help then, and instead of
> helping you prefered to give our interests over to Moscow or Peking.
> Which backs my opinion that the US did not come in the world-wars to
> "help"us" or to "fight for democracy", but to protect their own commercial
> interests when they felt directly threatened,;which is why they only came
> into the fight in 1916 and 1941 and not at the start of both wars like
> everyone else.
> Makes one wish we had not helped you become independent of the British
> in 1776, because then you would have come into the world wars right at the
> beginning, like Canada, India, Australia etc. instead of waiting two years
> see how things went.

    Or the Crown would have kicked our ass but good and then the Crown would
have kicked Frances around 1880 using the wealth of Greater Canada to occupy
all of Europe. Then maybe today there would be the United Kingdom as one
super power and the Czar's Russia as the other. China would still be a Crown
possesion. The United States would never have existed and the county (not
country) of France would only be a place to get crusty bread and high
    France has always tried to bite off more than it could chew. France went
into Viet Nam with weapons that were provided almost entirely from the U.S.
since the Nazis had picked up all the ones France had at the start of WW II.
If the Marshall plan hadn't been in place after the war, all you would have
had to fight with in Viet Nam was empty wine bottles. Dien Ben Phu was like
the U.S.'s Little Big Horn. Except Custer went down swinging. And then when
the Cavalry went back in to avenge that wrong, they got a little carried
away because they were a might pissed. The Native Americans found out the
hard way it's not nice to screw with Uncle Sam.
    And we couldn't win in Viet Nam because among other reasons, the South
Vietnamese learned how to run a country from the French. After the French
bailed, the only way to straighten it out was use "Special Weapons", turn
the whole damn place into a smoking glass crater and cut one groove in the
China end and one in the Delta end and call it an ash tray, cause the RVN
Army fought like the French. They waited for the U.S. to fight their battles
for them. It wasn't worth the life of one of one Frenchman, let alone an
    In both the Suez and Viet Nam, France tried to act as a Super Power, and
got hit in the face with reality. Your lucky the Algerians didn't have a
reason to want Paris, or you wouldn't have that either. An old American
saying you might want to remember: If ya can't run with the big dogs, stay
on the porch.

> In the first world-war, you showed clearlly how interested you were in
> "peace": could not even be bothered to come and ratify the peace treaty.

    True, and it worked so well. Then when the folks next door started
acting up again, you folks did what? Hell, the Allies took almost all of the
Germans armaments away at the end of the Great War. When the Nazis took the
Sudetenland, the French did what? Make more Cambert? And think of all the
time and money that could have been saved by NOT builiding that clevery
designed, well engineered Maginot Line.

    The following is from a reply I received from a gentleman from the UK:

     Hi Ron how are things I hope you are all well. Well I have just seen
your post about france and couldn't agree more as I said before I'm sure the
only reason the French had a hand in THAT tunnel is so they can surrender in
London when the next war kicks off!

    Boy, ain't that a cast iron bitch, eh?

> Enough said,
> Cheers,
> Ron. (aka Renaud)
> --
> Perfection is reached, not when there is no longer anything to add,
> but when there is no longer anything to take away.

    Oh, Yes. The salvage "Frog" is striving for perfection off Normandy!!!!

> --- ---

    And they say the oriental mind is inscrutable.... How about it....Are
there any other French Citizens out there who would like to weigh in on the
usefulness (or not) of the United States and the sanctity of the resting
places of the veterans in the Channel off the Normandy coast?

 Ron, the United States one, whose country is the reason that Renaud doesn't
speak German today.

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