Re: [MV] Another SUSV owner looking for a "sucker"

From: Jon Shoop (
Date: Thu Jul 05 2001 - 16:40:13 PDT

Hey Guys.....remember, this guy is on a big time fishing
expedition........will he get $40K.....from one or two
buyers....possibly..??? Hard to say, considering these vehicles are no
"parade on the 4th" type things...these are very complicated, parts hungry
vehicles....and expensive I'll bet.

Gee....I wonder why Uncle getting rid of the things?

I'll venture to say that the price will drop...considerably...and not too
far off from soon as somebody gets tired of them sitting around
at Victory Salvage........

As far as the MP44 goes, yes, used to get Reg Dewats for $900...when you
couldn't find a barrel for any price. Along come barrels and whoosh...there
goes the price. Look at all the US made weapons and what has happened to
the prices on all of them. 1918 was pretty common in the $2500 range just 5
years a Marlin Rockwell, transferable weapon will bring 12 to
15K. The US stuff was under priced for years as all european MGs were
selling for much more at the time.

But then, we are talking about MVs.........harder to hide, store, work

Hope everyone had a safe, fun 4th.....God Bless America!


At 01:32 AM 7/5/01 -0400, islander wrote:
>>Apparently, someone doesn't see the difference in capitalism and
>>socialism. You will learn the difference real quick if you go into
>>business for yourself.
>Uhmm... I am. And I am doing VERY well at it too while making my chunk
>of change without ripping my customers off. I have faith that in the end
>Capitalism will take care of the seller in this case. My personal
>opinion is that it is just too much money. You can buy a main battle
>tank for the same amount, and how much more did it cost to make those?
>My basic point is one about Capitalism. Capitialism does have the
>fundamental principle that you are supposed to work for what you earn.
>Otherwise you are talking Socialism, where people earn money based on
>some arbitrary reasoning (like belonging to the right political party).
>What has this guy done to deserve an extra $30k? If you run your own
>business, do you pay your employees thousands of dollars extra just
>because they asked for it or because they earned it?
>If someone wants to give this guy a truckload of money for doing little
>more than storing it for a few months, fine. However, they should at
>least know what they are getting into. As for me, I'll wait for the
>pricing to become a little more realistic and the wife to be a little bit
>more agreeable to yet another hunk of OD metal <g>.
>BTW, I know someone that looked into moving a SUSV from AK to the
>midwest. Cost was $7,000. So if someone buys this thing for $40,000
>they are looking at about another $5-10,000 just to move it. Great deal...
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