Re: [MV] Bumper #s...illegal???

Date: Thu Jul 05 2001 - 10:02:42 PDT

Here in the UK Military Vehicles and Plant have metal number plates that have to be removed before sale usually they stick a pry bar behind them and wrench them off!(not good on the tin work of a Landrover I can tell you!)
Painted no plates usually have a coat off paint washed over them as well Blue beacons on Ambulances and Police vehicles are also removed or smashed. Plod have had a word with me for showing two number plates(civilian and Military) on a Saracen before. I just pleaded ignorance! It worked!
Most of us in the HMV world like to know our MVs history and the number plate/ tag!? is the main way of tracing the history for them.
I will keep displaying mine!
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All the best Tony

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